Teaching Donna Gun safety

March 28, 2022

Gun Safety and the 2nd Amendment

February 18th, 2022

One of the most asked questions I get while campaigning is my stance on the 2nd Amendment.

The 2nd Amendment isn’t about the firearms or the technology at any given time; it is the principle that we as Americans have the absolute right to defend ourselves, our families, and our way of life.

-Todd Schorle

Gun control does nothing to stop evil or violence. Studies show that a vast majority of shootings take place in “gun free zones”. When we take away the ability for good people to defend themselves, we make them targets.

This is our evening as a family. My daughter and I spend countless hours not only shooting, but breaking down our firearms, cleaning them, and constantly drilling the importance of safety. With great rights come great responsibilities, and it’s up to us to ensure that we are teaching our children the necessary fundamentals that come with firearm ownership and shooting.

This is what the 2nd Amendment is to me:

It’s not just a fall hunt, clay shooting tournament, or the excitement of sighting in a new rifle….

It’s teaching the lifestyle that goes along with every principle that is our 2nd Amendment.


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